Concussion in Sport – 2022 Amsterdam Consensus Statement

Female doctor checking young female concussion patient's eyes with flashlight.

Sport-related concussion is an evolving topic with emerging clinical science and Monday morning realities sometimes sidetracked by the politics of diagnosis for those of us who see these patients. I’ve always thought chiropractors, with some additional training, are optimally positioned to manage concussion patients and supervise their safe return to athletic and other ‘normal’ activities. The involvement of cervical spine structures and vestibulo-ocular rehabilitation challenges for some patients add to the complexity of this condition, but also the satisfaction for both patient and doctor after successful management and resolution.

This week’s Research Review is a summary of the latest Amsterdam consensus statement on concussion in sport…enjoy!


The Amsterdam 2022 International Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport (the “Statement”) builds on the previous Concussion in Sport Group statements with the goal of updating current recommendations for sport-related concussion (SRC) through an evidence-informed consensus methodology.

This Statement was developed for health care professionals involved in the care of athletes at risk of SRC or those who have sustained a suspected SRC at any level of sport. The purpose of the Statement is to provide a summary of the evidence and practice recommendations based on science and expert panel consensus. It provides recommendations that can be adapted for different sport, clinical and cultural environments. It is not meant to be a prescriptive guideline.

The science of concussion continues to evolve, and this Statement reflects the state of the evidence at the time of the Conference. The authors also recommend that this Statement be read in combination with the 10 systematic reviews and methodology papers that informed the consensus process (for most clinicians, this summary will suffice!).

RESEARCH REVIEW: Concussion in Sport – 2022 Consensus Statement

This paper was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (2023)

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