I think this is a topic that is of interest to most of my colleagues, so I will be making this Research Review (and all 4 in the series) available to non-subscribers for free: GET ACCESS FOR FREE HERE
This is Part 3 of a 4-part series of “Chronic Pain Management Updates”, all written by the “Chronic Pain Chiro” himself, Dr. Demetry Assimakopoulos. This series, based on a collection of editorials recently published in the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, contain numerous practical tips you can use in your practice!
If you want a deeper dive, check out “All Aboard the Pain Train: A Chiropractor’s Guide to Chronic Pain” – this 10-hour, on-demand E-Seminar is one of my best sellers, in which Dr. Assimakopoulos will walk you through a contemporary clinical approach to identifying important phenotypes of chronic pain in your practice, to help you make effective management decisions with your patients. To get this program, click HERE.
For additional evidence-based tools and techniques throughout the patient journey, check out “Mastering the Biopsychosocial Approach: A Clinical Lens for Chiropractors”, a 4-hour E-Seminar featuring myself along with Dr. Assimakopoulos and Drs. Kent Stuber and Peter Stilwell. To get this program, click HERE.
On to this week’s review…
So far in this Chronic Pain Management Updates series, we have described the importance of various lifestyle factors in the management of persistent pain, including improving beliefs, stress tolerance, and sleep. Chiropractors understand that physical activity and exercise is of vital importance to patient care, no matter the patient’s condition (with rare exceptions). This article provides a framework to integrate individually-tailored exercise therapy as part of a multimodal lifestyle approach for patients suffering from chronic pain.
RESEARCH REVIEW: Chronic Pain Management Updates Part 3: Physical Activity
The paper covered in this review was published in the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy (2024).
You can now purchase single Research Reviews for only $4.99 – BUT YOU CAN GET ACCESS TO THIS REVIEW FOR FREE HERE.