How spinal manipulation works is an interesting topic, so much so that myself and Dr. Simon Wang from CMCC created a 5-hour E-Seminar on the topic (check in out here)… […]
Author Archives: Dr. Shawn Thistle
Personalized medicine (and chiropractic) is the way of the future. This week, some advice on a personalized approach to low back for your patients… Non-specific low back pain (NSLBP) is […]
This week, an interesting (albeit uncommon) sports-med injury… Multiligament knee injuries (MLKI) have been defined as a tear of two or more of the major knee ligaments: anterior cruciate ligament […]
Neck pain is common and something we see in practice everyday. When upper extremity pain or neurological symptoms are also present, the clinical situation changes a little bit, requiring careful […]
Around the globe, our aging population is growing. Falls are a major concern for this population, can lead to adverse outcomes (including fractures and hospitalizations), and are the leading cause […]
Thank you for your continued support in 2024! I hope you’ve achieved your goals and are ready for personal, clinical and business wins in 2025! As another year comes to […]
Subacromial (shoulder) pain is common, and very annoying for patients. Often aching, sharper (or ‘pinchy’) with movement, it can be quite disabling. As chiropractors, we normally use a combination of […]
Can you sustain a sport-related concussion without also sustaining a cervical spine injury? It is an interesting question, which underscores the growing evidence that addressing neck function can help concussion […]
As chiropractors, we know that the sacroiliac joint is often involved in low back and pelvic pain syndromes (among other things). This week, an update on the evidence relating to […]
This week’s review features a commentary from my friend and colleague, and lead author of this paper, Dr. David Byfield (included below)… Cognitive decline and dementia are of major concern […]