Tag Archives: Adverse Events

What’s the harm? Incidence of adverse events related to chiropractic & physiotherapy treatment…

Chiropractor Adjusting His Male Patient's Lower Back In His Office

This week’ Research Review discusses a very important topic – patient safety, and what our profession is doing about investigating and reporting adverse events associated with chiropractic and physiotherapy treatments […]

Cervical Artery Dissection and Neck Manipulation (new big data study!)

A patient receiving a neck treatment in a chiropractor's office

Cervical artery dissection (CeAD) is the most serious safety concern related to the provision of high-velocity, low-amplitude cervical spinal manipulation (SMT) and can involve the carotid or vertebral arteries. The […]

Tensile Force in the Vertebral Arteries During Cervical Spine Manipulation Applied to Human Cadavers

Tensile Force in the Vertebral Arteries During Cervical Spine Manipulation Applied to Human Cadavers

Tensile Force in the Vertebral Arteries During Cervical Spine Manipulation Applied to Human Cadavers This week, we discuss an update to ground breaking cadaveric research conducted nearly 20 years ago […]