Tag Archives: Chiropractic

Personalized Assessment & Management of Non-Specific Low Back Pain

Senior man sitting on his bed suffering from low back pain

Personalized medicine (and chiropractic) is the way of the future. This week, some advice on a personalized approach to low back for your patients… Non-specific low back pain (NSLBP) is […]

Multiligament Knee Injury – Clinical Summary

Hands grasping a sore knee

This week, an interesting (albeit uncommon) sports-med injury… Multiligament knee injuries (MLKI) have been defined as a tear of two or more of the major knee ligaments: anterior cruciate ligament […]

Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation & Fall Risk in Older Adults with Spinal Pain

Older woman holding her head after falling on the floor

Around the globe, our aging population is growing. Falls are a major concern for this population, can lead to adverse outcomes (including fractures and hospitalizations), and are the leading cause […]

Manual Therapy Plus Exercise Improves Long-Term Outcomes for Subacromial Shoulder Pain

Male chiropractor listening to a female patient pointing to her sore shoulder

Subacromial (shoulder) pain is common, and very annoying for patients. Often aching, sharper (or ‘pinchy’) with movement, it can be quite disabling. As chiropractors, we normally use a combination of […]

Prevalence & Influence of Neck Pain After Sport-Related Concussion in Collegiate Athletes

Male chiropractor manipulating a young female patient's neck

Can you sustain a sport-related concussion without also sustaining a cervical spine injury? It is an interesting question, which underscores the growing evidence that addressing neck function can help concussion […]