Tag Archives: Low Back Pain

Medications for lumbosacral radiculopathy – what does the evidence say?

Elderly woman feels back pain, massaging aching muscles

Globally, the number of years lived with disability due to low back pain increased by 52.7% between 1990 and 2015. In primary care offices, 38% of patients seek care for […]

Effectiveness of Postsurgical Rehabilitation Following Lumbar Disc Herniation Surgery

Medical Team Performing Surgical Operation in Modern Operating Room

Lumbar disc herniation (LDH) with radiculopathy is a common condition we encounter in clinical practice, with an annual prevalence of about 2% in the general population. Normally, the prognosis is […]

Influence of Active, Passive & Manual Therapy Interventions for Low Back Pain on Opioid Prescription and Health Care Utilization

woman with lower back pain

Should we combine active and passive interventions for low back pain? Is spinal manipulation an active or passive therapy, or both? A variety of treatments offered by chiropractors and physical […]

Chiropractic care reduces tramadol prescriptions for radicular low back pain!

Close up of man taking in pill and another hand holding a glass of clean water

A growing body of evidence suggests seeing a chiropractor can help keep radicular back pain patients off prescription drugs like benzodiazepines, gabapentin, opioids in general and now, tramadol (a synthetic […]

Cost of Chiropractic vs. Medical Management of Spine-Related Musculoskeletal Pain

Elderly woman feels back pain, massaging aching muscles

This is a very positive study for our profession, supporting the idea that patients with spinal pain should see a chiropractor first! Spine-related musculoskeletal pain is the leading cause of […]

Reducing Mechanical Hyperalgesia & Pain Catastrophizing Via Spinal Manipulation for Low Back Pain

Chiropractor adjusting a patient's lower back

Musculoskeletal pain is generally classified based on three main descriptors: nociceptive, neuropathic, and nociplastic. Compared to a specific musculoskeletal tissue pathology, altered nociceptive processing in chronic low back pain is […]