Tag Archives: Rehabilitation

Manual Therapy Plus Exercise Improves Long-Term Outcomes for Subacromial Shoulder Pain

Male chiropractor listening to a female patient pointing to her sore shoulder

Subacromial (shoulder) pain is common, and very annoying for patients. Often aching, sharper (or ‘pinchy’) with movement, it can be quite disabling. As chiropractors, we normally use a combination of […]

Prevalence & Influence of Neck Pain After Sport-Related Concussion in Collegiate Athletes

Male chiropractor manipulating a young female patient's neck

Can you sustain a sport-related concussion without also sustaining a cervical spine injury? It is an interesting question, which underscores the growing evidence that addressing neck function can help concussion […]

Patient-Reported Outcomes for Low Back Pain Patients After Structured Education & Exercise Program (GLA:D Back)

Clinician assisting an elderly female patient with a quadruped exercise on the floor

Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is a common condition experienced by older adults, and often seen in primary care settings. Like non-specific low back pain (NS-LBP), most people with LSS can […]