Tag Archives: Spinal Manipulation

Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation & Fall Risk in Older Adults with Spinal Pain

Older woman holding her head after falling on the floor

Around the globe, our aging population is growing. Falls are a major concern for this population, can lead to adverse outcomes (including fractures and hospitalizations), and are the leading cause […]

Manual Therapy Plus Exercise Improves Long-Term Outcomes for Subacromial Shoulder Pain

Male chiropractor listening to a female patient pointing to her sore shoulder

Subacromial (shoulder) pain is common, and very annoying for patients. Often aching, sharper (or ‘pinchy’) with movement, it can be quite disabling. As chiropractors, we normally use a combination of […]

Adding Tendon Dry Needling & Manipulation to Multimodal Treatment for Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy

Man with painful grimace expression holding his elbow joint

Lateral elbow tendinopathy (also referred to as lateral epicondylalgia/epicodylitis or tennis elbow) is a common condition resulting in pain and disability. It was previously assumed that the pathology of the condition […]

What’s the harm? Incidence of adverse events related to chiropractic & physiotherapy treatment…

Chiropractor Adjusting His Male Patient's Lower Back In His Office

This week’ Research Review discusses a very important topic – patient safety, and what our profession is doing about investigating and reporting adverse events associated with chiropractic and physiotherapy treatments […]