Completing Single Online Courses & Bundles

  1. Navigate to My Courses in the top menu
  2. Click on the course title and it will take you to the course in Moodle.
  3. Proceed through each lesson page using the navigation aids at the bottom.
  4. Complete the quiz for that course. NOTE: A score of 100% is required to be issued with a certificate. You can re-attempt and submit the quiz as often as required to get the 100% passing grade.
  5. Click on SUBMIT & FINISH.  The next box shows you the quiz and at the top it shows if you achieved 100%…..if not you will need to click on ‘Reattempt The Quiz’. Complete the quiz to correct any questions and click on SUBMIT & FINISH again.
  6. SINGLE COURSE CERTIFICATES: Click on the Certificate title at the bottom of the Course page.  On that page you must click on ‘View Certificate’ to fully complete the process.  Once you have viewed it wait a couple of minutes and then click on the ‘MY CERTIFICATES’ link in the top menu where it will be listed with a ‘Download’ icon over to the right of the title.
  7. BUNDLE CERTIFICATES: All lessons in all 8 courses must be opened and quizzes completed with 100% passing score before the system will generate a FINAL Certificate showing the Bundle Title and a list of all 8 Courses in it. Go to ‘MY CERTIFICATES’ in the Top Menu and choose the Bundle title to locate the certificate.
  8. Certificates can be downloaded at any time using the ‘MY CERTIFICATES’ menu link in the top menu bar.
  9. Use the navigation system at the bottom of each lesson and Quiz to progress through the courses.
  10. Click MY COURSES in the top menu to locate your Courses or Bundles and to check the progress status of any course.
  11. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you experience any issues with the Certificates, such as a missing ‘Completion Date’, check to make sure every little box to the right of each lesson and quiz title has a check mark in it to indicate you have fully completed that section. If the check mark is missing please open that lesson and drill through it again, which will make that check mark appear in the box. Make sure your Quiz is showing a 100% passing grade. Once you have double-checked everything, wait a few minutes, then go back up to ‘MY CERIFICATES’ in the top menu and your cert should be listed there. Check it and make sure the date is displayed on it before you download it.
  12. If you experience difficulty please Contact Tech Support

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    Instructions for Completing On-Demand E-Seminars

    Click on the E-Seminar title and proceed to the first section.

    You must complete each component of the E-Seminar in the order presented to obtain your certificate of completion. For video sections, you must view the entire video to proceed to the next section. Once a video is viewed completely, you will be automatically directed to the next one. Once you have completed all E-Seminar sections, case vignettes (if applicable) and quizzes, you can review all E-Seminar sections as often as you wish.

    RRS Education E-Seminars can be completed on your schedule. Our system will remember and track your progress, but to ensure accuracy, we recommend completing a given section (whether a video, quiz, or case vignette) before logging out of our system.

    All course sections, case vignettes (if applicable) and quizzes must be completed to obtain your certificate of completion. You may attempt the quizzes as often as needed to obtain a passing grade.

    E-Seminar Progress Issues: If you are unable to proceed  (are stuck) please log out of the Course-ware Interface. Then refresh your browser by holding down the shift key at the same time you click on the ‘Refresh Icon’ usually found in the upper left corner of your browser near or beside the ‘home’ icon. Then log back in and get back to where you want to be. This will clear the browser session cache of any data that has become ‘stuck’ and allow you to proceed.

    Notes About Certificates

    DATES shown on certificates reflect the date you successfully completed the quiz and passed the course.
    IMPORTANT: The name, address & practitioner licence# on your certificate will reflect the account information you entered the first time you purchased Online Courses or E-seminar. If this information is not complete or needs editing, please follow these instructions:
    1. While logged into the RRS Education website, go to the E-Learning Menu tab in the main menu then choose ‘MY COURSES’. Then click on any course in your list to enter the workspace.
    2. Go to the small downward arrow beside your User Name in the top right corner of the workspace and choose ‘Profile/Edit Profile’ in the User Details box to change your address etc. and scroll down to the bottom of that page to License Information if you need to add anything there.
    3. If you experience difficulty please Contact Tech Support

      Tech Support Request