Learning Objectives:
- Critique the development of a screening tool to help clinicians identify acute low back pain patients more likely to progress to chronic pain
- Develop multi-faceted Clinical Diagnostic Rules (CDRs) for the lumbar spine using individual diagnostic accuracy scores based on best evidence for use in primary care clinical practice and research
- Systematically review the diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests for spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis compared to imaging modalities
- Assess the most commonly utilized clinical tests for lumbar instability
- Examine how clinician expectations, patient characteristics and the STarT Back Tool relate to patient outcomes in low back pain
Reviews Included:
- Clinical Decision Rule for Patients with Acute LBP at Risk of Developing Chronic Pain +MP3 (2016)
- Classification of Low Back Pain – Best-Evidence Diagnostic Rules +MP3 (2017)
- Clinical Tests to Diagnose Lumbar Spondylolysis & Spondylolisthesis – Systematic Review +MP3 (2016)
- Clinical Tests for Lumbar Instability – Validity & Applicability +MP3 (2016)
- Prediction of Outcome in Patients with LBP – STarT Back Tool +MP3 (2017)
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