Learning Objectives:
- Summarize Cognitive Functional Therapy – a multi-faceted treatment approach designed to manage disabling low back pain
- Evaluate the evidence regarding the effectiveness of behavioral approaches in the management of patients with low back pain
- Discuss future innovations in low back pain treatment that might confer a more meaningful solution to the burden caused by this condition
- Explore the potential synergy between manual therapy and pain neuroscience education in the management of chronic low back pain
Reviews Included:
- Cognitive Functional Therapy – An Integrated Behavioural Approach for the Management of Disabling Low Back Pain +MP3
- Strategies for Implementing Behavioral Therapy for Low Back Pain +MP3
- Innovative Treatments for Back Disorders +MP3
- Manual Therapy & Pain Neuroscience Education in the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain – Literature Review +MP3
- An Enactive Approach to Pain – Beyond the Biopsychosocial Model +MP3
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