Learning Objectives:
- Assess the association between opioid use and chiropractic treatment for LBP
- Demonstrate the potential for chiropractic care to reduce the use of prescription opioids in patients with spinal pain
- Summarize two papers exploring the effects of utilization and availability of chiropractic services on opioid usage and medical services
- Evaluate the impact of chiropractic utilization on the use of prescription opioid use in Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 and over with spinal pain
- Describe the comparative risk of treatment escalation in patients with neck pain between recipients of spinal manipulation and nonrecipients of spinal manipulation
Course Reviews:
- Chiropractic Care Reduces Opioid Use in Low Back Pain +MP3
- Impact of Chiropractic Care on Opioid Prescription in Patients with Spinal Pain +MP3
- Effects of Chiropractic on Opioid Prescription Rates & Medical Service Usage +MP3
- Association Between Chiropractic Care & Opioid Prescriptions Among Older Adults with Spinal Pain +MP3
- Risk of Treatment Escalation in Recipients vs. Nonrecipients of SMT for Cervical Spine Disorders +MP3
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